1 min readSep 23, 2023

The world is facing a global problem of deforestation. The rate of deforestation is reaching millions of hectares per year.
It is necessary to fight deforestation to preserve the environment and ensure sustainable development for humanity.
Web3Eco Mission is to make a difference in the battle against deforestation by planting over 60 million Paulownia trees in different regions of our planet. Web3Eco have already planted over 150,000 trees, which are now having an impact on the climate of the Fergana region."
60 million trees will make an insane contribution to the restoration of the lungs of our planet. And Paulownia is one of the most effective ways to fight climate change and other environmental problems.
Our global mission is to unite the efforts of people from all over the world to make the world greener.

Web3eco gives everyone the opportunity to invest in the regeneration of our planet. We have chosen to use NFTs as the way to invest in trees. When you buy an NFT, you are purchasing a legal right to receive profits from your investment throughout the entire tree growth cycle. At any time, you can resell your NFT on the marketplace or sell it “now” for a lower profit.




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